Naomi Watts

The Road to Predatory Capitalism

We have repeatedly heard over the past decade how “things just happened.”

How “…nobody could have foreseen that.”

Or, how everything came about due to “..unintended consequences.”

Conscious actions have intended consequences.

While at the same time we have repeatedly witnessed how the major perpetrators, culprits and predators go unscathed, facing no consequences for the abominations against the public.

In fact, we have observed them to be unjustly rewarded again and again and again.

Then there are those of us who must hustle endlessly for the next month’s mortgage payment, or rent due, or the next meal, are constantly chided with the admonition that “…we must innovate our way out of this!”

We, Kimosabe????

“We” have innovated endlessly, only to find ourselves bereft of employment while the technology we developed has been transferred, along with our jobs, offshore!