air craft tanker

Durable Goods September Report Might Imply Slowing Economy

The Durable Goods, advance report shows new orders increased by 3.7% for September 2013, but the gains are due to volatile aircraft and parts orders.  Without transportation orders, which aircraft is a large part, durable goods new orders fell by -0.1%.  Shipments increased by 0.2% and are at a record high level.  


If at First You Can't Succeed, Change, Change, change the rules again

If anyone recalls there was major controversy and outrage over a huge $35 billion dollar contract going to Northrup Grumman instead of Boeing.

Now the contract is up for new bids with the political insider implications being for Boeing this time.

Frankly the entire thing is a joke. Yes Northrup Grumman is using Airbus and other European subsidized manufacturing, but Boeing also offshore outsources jobs, manufacturing.

The committee chairman, Rep. John P. Murtha, (D-Pa.), has threatened to withhold funding for the program.
