Must Read Posts - Sometimes you just can't say it better for 02.20.10

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did.

Must Read Post #1

Matt Taibbi has written another piece, Wall Street's Bail Out Hustle. It contains strong Populist language, has some errors additionally, but the main message, nothing has changed as well as risk is subsidized, profits are privatized is lovely. You'll like it.

Must Read Post #2

Dean Baker is helping call out the absurd tax breaks for the uber rich in Gold Plated Garbage is Still Garbage:

While tens of millions of ordinary workers pay taxes at a 25 percent marginal rate, many of Wall Street's highest paid dealmakers get to pay tax at just a 15 percent rate. They get this lower rate because of the special treatment of "carried interest," also known as the fund managers' tax break.

Must Read Post #3

This post on what should be done about global capital flows and comes from the IMF Direct blog. Be warned, you'll see those classic oh we cannot restrict capital flows globally claims (why not?) similar to we must just accept that massive unemployment is the new normal and so on. That said, it has some insight on just how much global capital flows influence economies, growth and of course, outflows from U.S. investments.

Must Read Post #4

Felix Simon shows how JP Morgan treats their clients and it ain't good. Naked Capitalism has more commentary and asks since the judge did a call out on JP Morgan Chase, is this a change from the courts?

Must Read Post #4

The outrage of people is exploding. Here's the latest, a man bulldozes his house because the bank was going to take it.



consider Must Read Posts also an open thread

I need to mention that because we don't really have a place to just talk about whatever you find or think that's not directly associated with a post.

I'll start adding it when I put together these lists of things you need to check out.