March 2014

ISM Manufacturing PMI Bounce Back While Production Pummeled for February 2014

The February ISM Manufacturing Survey somewhat recovered from last month's plunge.  PMI rose by 1.9 percentage points to 53.2%.  This range is really mediocre growth for manufacturing.  New orders did rebound with a 3.3 percentage point increase.  Yet production just completely imploded, the second month in a row.  Many blame the unusually bad weather and freezing cold.

Q4 GDP Downgrades to a Measly 2.4%

Q4 2013 real GDP was revised significantly downward from the original 3.2% to a weak, measly 2.4%.  Personal consumption expenditures was revised down over half a percentage point of GDP.  The original estimate for exports was also revised down over a quarter of a percentage point.  If the Q4 downward revision in consumer spending isn't bad enough, for all of 2013 annual real GDP was just 1.9%.  In 2012, annual GDP was 2.8%.

