
Wall Street and Multinationals Get Theirs While America Suffers

While America still suffers with repressed wages, increasing poverty and a vanishing middle class, Wall Street and big Multinational Corporations are having a party.  Bonuses increased 15% and are back to their pre-financial crisis excesses  Corporations hording cash offshore increased 11.8% in 2013 to a whopping $1.95 trillion.

The Real Crisis Caused By Our Government

The real crisis is not the “debt ceiling crisis.” The government shutdown is merely a result of the Republicans using the debt limit ceiling to attempt to block the implementation of Obamacare. If the shutdown persists and becomes a problem, Obama has enough power under the various “war on terror” rulings to declare a national emergency and raise the debt ceiling by executive order.

The Corporate Tax Dodge - Billions in Avoided Taxes While America Goes Broke

The Senate Subcommittee on Investigations held a hearing, Offshore Profit Shifting and the U.S. Tax Code. Did you know U.S. Multinational Corporations have more than $1.7 trillion in untaxed profits stashed as undistributed foreign earnings and keep at least 60% of their cash overseas? That these earnings have increased 400% in the last decade? That corporate tax as a percentage of total Federal revenues has dropped to only 8.9%?

I Like Statistics and So Should You

statistically significantFunny title for an article. Numbers, statistics, stats....those boring people with their spreadsheets, graphs, always showing you up at a party in a game of Trivial pursuit.

Facts! Who needs 'em! Uh, we do. A very obscure thing is happening in Washington D.C. All of those dusty agencies with their legions of geeks and geekettes, cranking through numbers and collecting data are under attack.

Here are some of the statistical and science programs far the BEA has not been cut, but the Census was, by -$6.2 billion. This is before the infamous super Congress was created to cut much more out of the budget.

As a result the Statistical Abstract is about to go bye-bye. People are speaking out trying to save this treasure trove of data. According to this op-ed requesting America save the statistical abstract:

The agency’s 2012 budget would eliminate the Statistical Compendia Branch, which compiles the Stat Abstract and other publications (example: the “County and City Data Book”). The cut: $2.9 million and 24 jobs. Both the book and online versions of the Stat Abstract would vanish. This is a mighty big loss for a mighty small saving.

Research & Development Being Offshore Outsourced

Research and Development is moving out of the United States and offshore. In a new Economic Policy Institute study titled The Offshoring of Innovation, Dr. Ron Hira made the acceleration clear.

The economic and national security outcomes of increased resource input into the innovation process are going to be different than they have been in the past. We need fresh thinking about policies that will re-shape the new national innovation system to achieve desired outcomes

Your Tax Dollars Offshoring Jobs

This is my second story about OPIC – OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION – a Department of the United States Treasury. This one is based on the OPIC 2006 Annual Report. It contrasts my earlier report on OPIC 1999. Robert Mosbacher, Jr., CEO of Mosbacher Petroleum, is the new CEO of OPIC. Mosbacher Petroleum was skimming money off ENRON back in the 80’s. OPIC was giving money directly to the oil companies. Now banks are skimming money off the U.S. Treasury and lending it to the oil companies.


Rising Above The Gathering Storm

This is a blog I wrote last year.


The National Academies was asked by Senator
Lamar Alexander and Senator Jeff Bingaman of the
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, with
endorsement by Representative Sherwood Boehlert and
Representative Bart Gordon of the House Committee on
Science, to respond to the following questions:
What are the top 10 actions, in priority order, that
federal policymakers could take to enhance the sci-
ence and technology enterprise so that the United
States can successfully compete, prosper, and be
secure in the global community of the 21st centu-
ry? What strategy, with several concrete steps,
could be used to implement each of those actions?

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BEST AND BRIGHTEST [where have we heard that before? Google it.]

RECOMMENDATION C: Make the United States the
