April 2010

What's Happening with Financial Reform Legislation?

As what happens in our Congress, things change, get confusing and obscured. Last we left off on Financial reform, we noted the Dodd bill was a Dud and things have degenerated into political circus.

Now, Senator Lincoln has introduced a new bill which will be voted on in the The Senate agriculture committee. The current guesses are it will be voted out of committee and onto the Senate floor by April 26th. Here is the actual bill text and here is her press release:

The Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Chairman Blanche Lincoln



The Real Economy, Long-Term Employment, and Four-Inch Stilettos

Greetings all.

Searching through the site, I could not find any reference to Lynn Tilton, a unique and compelling lady about whom you may want to know.

A couple of weeks ago, NPRs Planet Money dubbed her 'The Private Equity Boss in Four-Inch Stilettos.' They posted a great podcast diving into the details of her work buying distressed companies.

More relevant for this community, however, is Lynn's unique and intimate perspective on the dire state of our economy and the solutions needed to support American industry and spur long-term job creation.

Twice on Yahoo! Finance this week, she spoke about two issues: The Huge Disconnect Between Stock Market and the Real Economy and Unemployment Benefits Just a "Band-Aid" Tilton Says, America Needs Industrial Jobs.

Must Read Posts for April 17, 2010

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did. This week has damning posts on tax avoidance through offshore outsourcing.


State Unemployment Maps for March 2010 - Unemployment increases in 24 States

The BLS released state and regional unemployment numbers today. The full report is here.

Twenty-four states recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases,17 states and the District of Columbia registered rate decreases, and 9 states had no rate change.

state unemployment


What is strange is employment also increased in 33 states. So it's possible people are starting to look for work again and thus being counted.


state unemployment yr change


Friday Movie Night - When Markets Go Mad

hot buttered popcorn It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


Tonight's documentary is a 3 part film by BBC's Evan Davis, The City Uncovered, which explores the roots of the financial crisis, U.K. style. Davis goes into hedge funds, risk management & derivatives. He also describes how prices (who sets the prices?) operate in the global financial system.


Goldman Sachs Charged with Fraud!

Finally! The golden boys finally aren't going to get away with something. The actual SEC complaint is online here. First:

The Players are Goldman Sachs, Paulson & Co. (a hedge fund run by John Paulson) and one Goldman Sachs VP, Fabrice Tourre.

The fictional investment vehicle in question is ABACUS 2007-AC1.

The Victims are IKB Deutsche Industriebank, Royal Bank of Scotland.

The Money is $1 billion in rigged profits to Paulson, $1 billion in losses to the victims, $15 million to Goldman Sachs for rigging the CDO.

Here is the entire SEC press release:

SEC Charges Goldman Sachs With Fraud in Structuring and Marketing of CDO Tied to Subprime Mortgages

NYC to charge homeless rent

I'm not sure if this is a sign of how desperate the nation's cities are for money, or just a complete lack of compassion and morality.

New York City is set to begin charging rent to the "working homeless" to stay in shelters, reports the NY Daily News.
Mayor Bloomberg decided to begin enforcing the 1997 law that states New York can charge rent to homeless citizens "who can afford it," which allows the city to take up to 44% of their income in the first year...
Shelter residents able to pay rent, however, only amounts to about 15 percent of that population, leaving many to wonder what the point is.. these people may never be able to dig their way out of poverty if they are penalized at such a difficult time in their lives.
Officials admit the move is mostly based on "principle" as rent funds gathered will not impact the city's budget in any significant way.

Must Read Posts for April 15, 2010

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did.

Must Read Post #1

The Atlanta Fed blog looked deeper into the inventory question after wholesale inventories came up plus the fact most of Q4 2009 GDP was inventories.
