Republican Convention

Give me your White, scared and wealthy

Tonight the Republicans nominated their candidate for President.  We heard them all speak.  They pulled no punches, that is for sure.  Yet it isn't what they said that intrigued me, it's what they didn't say!


The Republican Convention in one second.

One could summarize the whole three days with these lines:


  1. John McCain served in Vietnam, got shot down, and became a POW
  2. Terrorists could still strike us, watch out!
  3. The Democrats will raise all your taxes, and you will lose your livelihoods.
  4. Energy independence will come at the tip of a an oil rig drill.
  5. Cutting spending on social programs equals freedom.
  6. Liberals love to kill babies.
  7. Oh...and John McCain was a POW.

So many concerns yet no real answers