Sunday Morning Comics - Goldman Sucks Edition

Sponsored by Senator Jim Bunning - Why not, he already snatched the desperate by the pubes.
Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!


Bank President's Day" alt="" width="525" />


There is now a serious push to get the Consumer Financial Protection Agency passed intact and wisely, they are using Saturday Night Live to do it.


Presidential Reunion" alt="" width="525" />
Cartoonist: Tom Toles


I couldn't categorize this one as funny, serious, depressing, outrage, or the channeling of Matt Taibbi, but I do know EP readers will love it!

Goldman Sucks


Cartoonist: Nate Beeler


Senate After Dark


Cartoonist: R.J. Matson



To watch Goldman Sucks

Which you all should, look towards the bottom of the videos. I know EPers are gonna love this! Also, Midtowng found this one.