
Seeking Alpha Author asks the obvious, why is the U.S. flooding the labor market with more immigration?

Boy this guy's got guts. There is no doubt in my mind he will be swarmed with insults for stating the obvious, but at least he begs the question.

In Eye on Unemployment: Should the U.S. Stop Immigration? Hunkar notes:

When the private sector created 100K jobs between May 1999 and May 2009, the annual issue of LPRs averaged 1 Million per year from 2000 to 2008. Both the private and public sector combined created 3.5 new jobs in the past decade.

This is simply far less than the 10 million immigrants admitted to the country. It must be noted that not all of the one million LPRs issued are working age adults. Some of them may have been here already with jobs when they became permanent residents.

H-1B, F-4 alert!

NumbersUSA reports:

Speaker Pelosi Determined to Give Millions of U.S. Jobs to Foreign Workers?
Wednesday, Feb. 26 -- "Incredible as it may seem amidst talk of recessions, job cuts and stagnant wages, NumbersUSA's Capitol Hill Team finds reports and signs everywhere that House Speaker Pelosi is negotiating to give millions of U.S. jobs to foreign workers," NumbersUSA President Roy Beck said today.