Trade Policy

China 11.9% GDP growth

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Thursday released an upward revision of 2007 gross domestic product (GDP) that showed growth of 11.9 percent, or 0.5 point more than the initial estimate.
A statement from the agency said that last year's GDP was 291.1 billion yuan (about $41.63 billion) larger than originally estimated, which meant that GDP was 24.953 trillion yuan last year

The Nation, Greider on Gomory, Dem Policy

This is a very critical article, written in April, 2007 The Establishment Rethinks Globalization. by William Greider. It covers Gomory and the attempts to interject sanity into US trade policy.

Gomory's critique has great political potential because it provides what the opponents of corporate-led globalization have generally lacked: a comprehensive intellectual platform for arguing that the US approach to globalization must be transformed to defend the national interest. Still, it will take politicians of courage to embrace his ideas and act on them. Gomory's political solutions are as heretical as his economic analysis
