December 2011

Consumer Spending, Personal Income both up 0.1%, for November 2011

The Personal Income and Outlays report for November covers individual income, consumption and savings. Consumer spending increased 0.1% while disposable income had no change. Personal income increased 0.1% There are two things to garner from this month's numbers. Consumer spending is mute and wages, salaries declined.

Q3 2011 GDP 3rd Revision: 1.8%

Q3 GDP 2011 was revised down another 0.2 percentage points to 1.8%.. Consumer spending was revised significantly downward due to a large downward revision to medical expenditures. GDP was initially reported to be 2.5% for the third quarter, then revised to 2.0% on the second estimate report and now a measly 1.8% for the final, 3rd revision.

There is No Justice When It Comes to the Banks

There is no Justice. Countrywide financial settled a civil action by the Department of Justice for $335 million. This equates to $1,675 dollars in compensation for each of the 200,000 listed victims. Meanwhile Hispanics and Blacks were pushed into sub-prime loans which drove the housing bubble, prices, through the roof. Many lost their homes in foreclosure due to bubble payments and high interest rates, when a regular mortgage payment might have been financially feasible.


NAR Existing Home Sales Revised Down 14.3% for 2007-2010

The National Association of Realtors revised existing home sales for for 2007-2010. 2010 was revised downward by 14.6% as well as the entire three year period, 2007-2010 was also revised down by 14.3%. 2010 existing home sales benchmark revisions are now 4,190,000. Previously the NAR claimed 4,908,000 sales.


Residential New Construction Housing Starts Increase 9.3% for November 2011

The November 2011 Residential construction report showed Housing starts surged 9.3% from October's revised 627,000, to a level of 685 000. This is +24.3% above November 2010, or 551,000 housing starts. The surge was due to apartments, 5 units or more, of one building structure.


Kim Jong-il - From Despised Despot to Tolerated Visionary

I was nine years old at the time. We were in school one morning when our teacher was called away. This was a very unusual occurrence. We sat quietly waiting, and when teacher returned, she was crying and shaking uncontrollably. All of us were worried and confused – teacher had never acted this way before. In fact we had never seen any emotion from her at all. “What has happened, teacher?”, someone called out. Sobbing, she replied – “Children, Great Teacher has died!”

It was as if you pushed a button in the room. Instantaneously all of us burst into tears, with many of us wailing “What is going to happen to us? Who is going to take care of us? How will we live?” It never occurred to any of us that our parents or some responsible adult would take care of us. From the moment we were aware of the outer world, we understood that all that was good, beautiful and intelligent in the world came from Great Teacher.

You've Been Warned!

europestormYou've Been Warned. So says the European Central Bank about an impending collision between the never ending European debt crisis and Europe's increasingly slowing economies.

Risks to euro area financial stability increased considerably in the second half of 2011, as the sovereign risk crisis and its interplay with the banking sector worsened in an environment of weakening macroeconomic growth prospects. Indeed, several key risks identified in the June 2011 Financial Stability Review (FSR) materialised after its finalisation. Most notably, contagion effects in larger euro area sovereigns gathered strength amid rising headwinds from the interplay between the vulnerability of public finances and the financial sector. Euro area bank funding pressures, while contained by timely central bank action, increased markedly in specific market segments, particularly for unsecured term funding and US dollar funding.

Here's the money shot statement from the ECB. Things are worse than right after Lehman Brother's, the OMG Economic Armageddon global meltdown almost, collapse:

The transmission of tensions among sovereigns, across banks and between the two intensified to take on systemic crisis proportions not witnessed since the collapse of Lehman Brothers three years ago.

Here come the dominoes in the form of global economic malaise. Contagion is when one nation's economic disaster spills over and affects the globe. That's the United States folks.

How Many People are Poor in the United States?

It seems the entire world has been confused by the Census and understandable so. This past week saw dueling quotes on the number of people in poverty in the press. There are actually two major measures of poverty for 2010 and the experimental, research measure was released this week. This supplemental poverty measure shows there are more people in poverty, 49.1 million, than the official tally, 46.2 million.
