June 2011

Friday Movie Night - Interview with U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commissioner

hot buttered popcorn It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


If you haven't heard of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission you should. If you care about our massive trade deficit and U.S. jobs, this commission has written some absolutely frightening reports on China trade and security.

Tonight's movie is a long interview with the Commission member Patrick Mulloy, giving an overview on some of the commission's findings.


Mulloy, Part I


State Unemployment for May 2011

The BLS has released their Regional and State Unemployment Report for May 2011. California lost 29,200 jobs in a month. New York lost -24,700 more jobs and Michigan continues to not get a break, they just lost another -13,400 jobs. Overall the BLS reports there is little change in the May State employment figures. This is the mantra, persistent economic malaise and a never ending jobs crisis.

Initial weekly unemployment claims for June 11, 2011

Initial weekly unemployment claims decreased to 414,000. While the DOL reports this is a decrease of 16,000, last week was revised upward by 3,000, from 427,000 to 430,000. The 4 week moving average is 424,750, which is unchanged. A weekly average above 400,000 does not indicate job growth and we now have a pattern of perpetual disaster for U.S. citizens trying to earn a living.


Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization for May 2011

The Federal Reserve's Factory Production report shows a measly 0.1% increase for May 2011 Industrial Production, otherwise known as output for factories and mines. Manufacturing industrial production rose 0.4% yet had dropped -0.5% in April. Japan is still affecting autos and without them, which declined -0.5%, manufacturing would have increased +0.6%. April would have been only a -0.1% drop and they note the terrible tornadoes in the South affecting manufacturing.

CPI for May 2011

The Consumer Price Index for May 2011 increased 0.2% from last month, but core CPI rose 0.3%, the largest jump since July 2008. Core CPI removes food and energy cost increases and is the number the Federal Reserve watches for inflation. For the year, not seasonally adjusted, the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) has risen 3.6%. The March CPI monthly increase was 0.4%.


BoA & ForeclosureGate: They don't care because they don't have to


At the moment, things look bad for Bank of America but this too shall pass.

Yves Smith wrote a nice summary of the latest on ForeclosureGate . This includes just released information concerning HUD assistant regional inspector general William Nixon. Supposedly, he is after BofA for significantly hindering an investigation into wrongfully filed claims on failed mortgages, about $6 billion worth.

Smith reminds us that she saw the BofA purchase of Countrywide as a real loser. Her reference to a prescient column by Gretchen Morgenson from August 27, 2007 contains this gem:
